Draw your chair up close to the edge of the precipice and I’ll tell you a story

One of my favorite quotes was written by F. Scott Fitzgerald: "Draw your chair up close to the edge of the precipice and I’ll tell you a story." It is from The Crack-Up, which also includes a section called "Turkey Remains and How to Inter Them with Numerous Scarce Recipes" containing absurd, seasonally-appropriate recipe suggestions … Continue reading Draw your chair up close to the edge of the precipice and I’ll tell you a story

There was a woman reading Life of Pi at the beach

For Blogapalooz-Hour ChicagoNow bloggers are given a topic and have one hour to write and publish a post about it. Tonight's prompt is "Write about a time you experienced a remarkable coincidence or witnessed something unexplainable." There was a woman reading Life of Pi at the beach. She was our angel. For years my friend Jay … Continue reading There was a woman reading Life of Pi at the beach

It takes a Halloween village to face hordes of trick-or-treaters

I don't know what's going to happen tomorrow. On Halloween. This morning the radio announced a weather forecast of a "100% chance of rain." 100%. Are forecasters even allowed to say 100% about anything that isn't already happening? Regardless, the forecast is not promising. If it rains the evening could be disappointing on a several … Continue reading It takes a Halloween village to face hordes of trick-or-treaters